Formal hypnotic induction scripts are not essential to creating a hypnotic state. However, they do provide reassurance both to the hypnotist and the person being hypnotized (in self-hypnosis, this is the same person, of course), and mark a formal transition into an altered state of consciousness.
(Some theorists suggest that hypnosis is not a state but a set of expectations. If you hold to this view, then a formal induction is a way of signaling that these expectations now hold.)
Memorizing a Hypnosis Induction Script
Since reading word-for-word from a script is likely to sound dull and unspontaneous and interfere with the process, it?s important that whatever script you choose is something that you can memorize easily. It doesn?t need to be memorized word-for-word, but certainly the sequence of ideas should flow logically and be easy to rattle off with confidence.
If you have difficulty remembering the sequence, you can use a mnemonic or acronym to help you. Another useful memory technique is to imagine a familiar journey (such as from your house to the shop where you buy groceries) and link elements that you see along the way to elements of your hypnosis induction script.
With practice, the script will become familiar and flow easily.
Hypnosis Induction Techniques
There are many effective hypnosis induction techniques, and it is helpful to know several so that you can adapt your approach to different clients and different circumstances. These techniques include:
- Eye fixation (fixing attention on a still or moving object) ? slow and rather old-fashioned, but still effective
- Progressive relaxation (paying attention to parts of the body in turn and relaxing the muscles)
- Pattern interrupt (this is used in so-called ?instant? inductions, such as handshake inductions)
- Visualization (can be less effective with people who are not very visual thinkers)
- Body movement/imagination (such as heavy hand vs light hand)
- Confusion (requires the ability to talk rapidly and confidently ? for the experienced only, and some people dislike being on the receiving end of this technique)
Hypnosis induction scripts can be based on any of the above. Combined techniques are often very effective.
Essentials of a Hypnosis Induction
The essential point about any hypnotic induction is that it takes the subject from a relatively alert state in which attention is spread over a range of incoming stimuli to a state of ?selective attention? in which he or she can focus closely on the goal of the hypnotic session (whether that is therapy or stage performance).
For this process to be successful, it must begin with the subject?s initial state of mind, body and perception, and make either a sudden transition (in rapid/instant inductions) or a gradual transition (in more traditional inductions) to the desired end state. For therapy purposes, a gradual transition is more comfortable for the client and is therefore preferable.
Whatever hypnosis induction scripts you use, make sure they fit your own style and the style of the client or subject. Awkward or poorly-thought-out scripts won?t be effective for your purpose.
Mike Reeves-McMillan is a Registered Hypnotherapist (NZ). To learn more about hypnosis induction scripts and download an audio example, visit
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